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alimentary-Alimentary Pharmacology and T

tamoadmin 2024-10-12 人已围观

简介人体各个器官的英文有:一、lung英 [l]? 美 [l]n.肺;呼吸器官;[医]辅助呼吸的装置;〈英〉可供呼吸新鲜空气的地方例句:1、He?was?diagnosed?with?inoperable?lung?cancer.?他被诊断患了无法手术的肺癌。2、Before?too?long?my?lung?abscess?healed?up.?没多久,我的肺脓肿就痊愈了。二、heart英 [hɑ:

alimentary-Alimentary Pharmacology and T



英 [l]? 美 [l]








英 [hɑ:t] 美 [hɑ:rt]





1、She has a kind heart.


2、Have you no heart?



英 [?l?v?(r)] 美 [?l?v?]









英 [spli:n]? 美 [splin]








英 [?k?dni]? 美 [?k?dni]








目录 1 拼音 2 英文参考 3 概述 4 上消化道出血 5 下消化道出血 6 消化道出血的病因 7 消化道出血的临床表现 8 消化道出血的诊断 8.1 上消化道出血的诊断 8.2 下消化道出血的诊断 8.3 上消化道出血与下消化道出血的鉴别 9 消化道出血的治疗方案 9.1 一般及对症支持治疗 9.2 用药方案 10 参考资料 附: 1 消化道出血相关药物 2 治疗消化道出血的穴位 3 治疗消化道出血的中成药 1 拼音

xiāo huà dào chū xuè

2 英文参考

bleeding of the gastro intestinal tract [21世纪英汉汉英双向词典]

alimentary tract hemorrhage [湘雅医学专业词典]

3 概述

消化道是指从食管到 *** 的管道,包括胃、十二指肠、空肠、回肠、盲肠、结肠及直肠[1]。消化道急性大量出血,临床表现为呕血、黑便、血便等,并伴有血容量减少引起的急性周围循环障碍,为临床常见急症[1]。另有一类消化道出血称隐性消化道出血,临床上肉眼不能观察到粪便异常,仅有粪便潜血试验阳性结果及(或)存在缺铁性贫血,容易被忽视,应予注意[1]。

4 上消化道出血


5 下消化道出血


6 消化道出血的病因



7 消化道出血的临床表现


8 消化道出血的诊断 8.1 上消化道出血的诊断


8.2 下消化道出血的诊断


8.3 上消化道出血与下消化道出血的鉴别


9 消化道出血的治疗方案


9.1 一般及对症支持治疗



(1)改变 *** 出现晕厥、血压下降和心率增快[1];



9.2 用药方案





对于左半结肠出血的下消化道出血的患者有时给予凝血酶保留 *** 会有效[1]。




healthy and delicious food


Has it much high nutrition value?

Does it have much high nutrition value?

有营养的 用英文翻译

英文里面没有 有没有营养的概念。 只要是能吃的,都算是俯营养,营养只有好坏多少之分。中国人说的有营养一般指的是对健康有帮助,所以 有营养的 应在英语里面理解成 对健康有帮助的 good for health 或者健康的 healthy

另外 营养丰富的话 可以用 nutritious 来形容



1. nourishing

2. nutritive

3. a罚ible

4. nutrimental

5. nutrient.


1. 孩子们在任何聚会上都会撑饱糕饼和冰淇淋,而不沾有营养的食物。

Children at any party will glut themselves with cake and ice cream, and not touch healthier foods.


1. nutritious

2. nutritional

3. nutrient

4. trophic

5. nutritive

6. alimentary

7. vegetative.



Concerned with food, nutrition, or digestion.




如果说这种食物含有丰富的对人体有益的物质,可以说nutritious。但是一般情况下用不上,最常用的还是Healthy或者Good For Sb.





full of nutrient


It's nutritious.



1. food poisoning

2. ptomaine poisoning

Relative explainations:

<sitotoxism> <alimentary toxicosis> <botulism> <alimentary intoxication> <sitotoxis> <food intoxication> <food-borne intoxication>


1. 食物中毒可导致亡.

Food poisoning can cause death.

2. 肠毒素由只限于肠结胸的细菌而产生的毒素,引起呕吐和腹泻并导致食物中毒

A toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning.

3. 那一回食物中毒已使我一辈子不食牡蛎了。

That bout of food poisoning has turned me off oysters for life!

4. 我吃得太多了而一天没去上班,但我却言过其实地对他说我食物中毒了。

I ate too much and had a day off work but I piled it on thick and told them I had food poisoning.



The jellyfish is one kind low and so on the coelenterate, subordinatesthe coelenterate gate, the earthen bowl jellyfish outline in thetaxonomy. Outside the jellyfish body a figure transparent umbrella,the umbrella shape body diameter has greatly has small, the bigjellyfish umbrella shape body diameter may amount to 2 meters. Is longfrom the umbrella shape body edge some must the shape strip belt, thiskind of strip belt is called the tentacle, the tentacle to have maythe length amount to 20 meter ~ 30 meters, is equal to a big whale'slength. The fluctuation in the water jellyfish, to all aroundstretches out the long tentacle, some jellyfishes umbrella shape bodyalso has the assorted pattern. In the blue color sea, these ishovering color each different jellyfish appears extremely beautifully.The jellyfish appearance compares the dinosaur also early, may traceto 650 million years ago. The jellyfish type are very many, the worldprobably has about 250 kinds, diameter from 10 centimeters to 100centimeters between, common to in each place sea. Our country iscommon approximately has 8 kinds, namely 海月水母, white rosycloud jellyfish, 海蜇, mouth crown 海蜇 and so on. The peopleoften according to them the umbrella shape body differently toclassify: Some umbrella shape bodies send the silver light, calls thesilver jellyfish; Some umbrella shape bodies like buddhist priest'shat, calls the monk hat jellyfish; Some umbrella shape bodies are onthe ship white sails as if, calls the sail jellyfish; Some just likethe umbrella, are called the umbrella jellyfish; On some umbrellashape bodies is sparkling the pink clouds ray, is called the rosycloud jellyfish... ... Their life mostly only has several weeks, alsohas lives to a year about, some deep seas jellyfish may exactlylonger. The ordinary jellyfish umbrella shape body is not very big,only some 20 ~ 30 centimeter long, but the build bigger rosy cloudjellyfish great umbrella diameter may amount to 2 meters long, thesagging tentacle amounts to 20 ~ 30 meters. In 1865, in the AmericanMassachusetts seacoast, some rosy cloud jellyfish flushes ashore bythe ocean waves, its umbrella department diameter is 2.28 meters, thetentacle length 36 meters. Pulls open this jellyfish tentacle, from atentacle acme to another tentacle acme, unexpectedly some 74 meterlong. Therefore, may say the rosy cloud jellyfish was the worldlongest animal.

The jellyfish body principal constituent is the water, and two 胚层is composed by inside and outside, during two has a very thick centerrubber level, not only is transparent, moreover has floats thefunction. They when the movement, use in vivo spraying of waterreflection advance, looks by far, looks like a round umbrella in thewater the rapid excursion. When jellyfish in marine appears anddisappears in groups, closely lives is liking the depth which a wholeresembles to float together in the sea level, appears extremely themagnificent sight. The sea Tao like snow, the deep blue sea level isembellishing many exquisite umbrellas shapes body, is sparkling theweak pale green or the royal purple ray, some also has the rainbowhalo. Many jellyfishes all can shine. The tall and slender tentacle toall around extends, with is floating together, the color and theswimming posture were beautiful extremely. Jellyfish umbrella shape invivo has one kind of special gland, may send out the carbon monoxide,causes the umbrella shape 体膨胀. But when the jellyfish meets thehostile organism or meets the big storm the time, can automaticallythe gas bleed off, sinks to the seabed. After the sea level istranquil, it only needs several minutes to be allowed to produce thegas to let oneself inflate and float. 栉 the jellyfish hovers whenthe sea, 8 midnight and noon tubes may launch the blue color thelight, shines when 栉 the jellyfish turned a brilliant chromosphere;Belt jellyfish periphery and the middle part, are distributing severalparallel bands of light, when it hovers, the band of light drags alongwith the wave, is extremely exquisite. The jellyfish shines depends onis one kind calls Egypt Kui's bright marvelous protein, this breedingegg white matter and the calcium ion mix, can send out the strong bluelight. Egyptian Kui's bright quantity in jellyfish in vivo more, sendsthe light is stronger, each jellyfish equally only includes 50microgram this kind of matter.

Jellyfish although appearance beautiful docile, actually extremely凶猛. In umbrella shape body under, these tall and slender tentaclesare its alimentary organs, also is its weapon. Has covered entirelythe stinging cell in tentacle above, likes the poisonous silk to besame after, can project the venom, the game is punctured stings, canrapidly lull dies. The tentacle on closely holds these game, retracts,with the umbrella shape body under polyp Holding

, each polyp all cansecrete the enzyme, rapidly game in vivo protein decomposition.Because of the jellyfish breathing apparatus and the circulatorysystem, only have the primitive alimentary organs, therefore capturefood inCoelenteron

in digests the absorption immediately. In burning hotsummer, when we when seashore sea bathing swimming, sometimes willsuddenly feel bodily the front chest, back or a four limbs stagpain, some like the feeling which is brushed by the leather whip, thatalso was the jellyfish unseemly behavior is puncturing the person.But, the general broken jellyfish punctures, only will feel 炙 thepain and appears inflamed, so long as spreads wipes the niterinflammation medicine or the edible vinegar, several days namely havebeen able to lessen the swollen area stop pain. But in Malaysia's toAustralia area sea level, some two kinds separately is called the seabee jellyfish (box jellyfish) and tows the hand jellyfish, itssecretion toxicity is very strong, if is punctured by them, can havedifficulty in breathing in several minutes died, therefore they arecalled the murderer jellyfish. Therefore works as when by thejellyfish puncture wound, occurs the phenomenon which has difficultyin breathing, should implement the artificial respiration immediately,or the injection cardiotonic, surely may not be negligent, in order toavoid has the accident. The jellyfish once meets the game, ever noteasily lets off. But on cleans up the parasite like the rhinoceros andfor it the bird coexistence to be same, the jellyfish also has ownparagenesis partner. That is one small herd fish, the body long only 7centimeters, may patrol at will in the jellyfish touches must between,actually little is not afraid. Meets the big fish to swim, under amongthe small herd fish's on You Daoju umbrella tentacle, treats as safe" Refuge shelter " The use jellyfish stinging cellinstallment, ingeniously has hidden the hostile organism attack.Sometimes, the small herd fish even also can tempt the big fish thejellyfish in the hunting scope to cause it to lose their life, likethis also may eat the zero dregs fragment which the jellyfish eatsremains. Why then on the jellyfish tentacle stinging cell doesn'tinjure the small herd fish? This is because small herd fish motionnimble, can ingeniously avoid the poisonous silk, is not easy toreceive the injury, only is accidentally also has carelessly diesunder the poisonous silk. The jellyfish and the small herd fishparagenesis same place, mutually for uses, jellyfish "protection"small herd fish, but the small herd fish swallowed the xiaosheng whichon the jellyfish body perched.

The overwhelming power but the fatal jellyfish also has the naturalenemy, one kind of sea turtle may in the jellyfish community the freeshuttle, easily pulls apart them with the mouth to touch, enables itonly about to tumble, finally loses the resistance, becomes the seaturtle "the fine food".

On the jellyfish tentacle middle thin handle has a pellet, insideslightly has a grain to listen to the stone, this is the jellyfish"the ear". The inferior sound wave impact produces which by the oceanwaves and the air friction listens to the stone, is stimulating theperiphery nerve receptor before, makes the jellyfish to approach thefor several hours in the storm to be able to obtain the information,thereupon, they resembled have received life your son, completelyvanished all of a sudden from the sea level. The scientists oncesimulated the jellyfish the sound wave transmission organ to performthe experiment, finally discovered could before 15 hours measured knewthe sea storm the news.

The jellyfish although is low and so on the coelenterate, actuallythree generations under the same roof, makes one envy. The jellyfishgives birth the small jellyfish, the small jellyfish although canindependently survive, but kisses between the child the sentiment tobe as if deep, does not endure to separate, therefore the smalljellyfish all attaches on the jellyfish body. After soon, the urinemother gives birth a grandson generation jellyfish, still closelyrelates in together.


截至2014年,香港大学设有5个 国家重点实验室,各类直属、附属科研机构90余个 。 国家重点实验室  脑与认知科学国家重点实验室 新发传染性疾病国家重点实验室 肝病研究国家重点实验室 合成化学国家重点实验室  生物医药技术国家重点实验室建筑学院Architecture and Urban Design for China and Hong Kong, Centre for

Construct I.T., Centre for

Real Estate and Urban Economics, Centre for

Renewable Energy in Architecture, Centre on

Urban Studies and Urban Planning, Centre of 文学院Applied English Studies, Centre for

Humanities and Medicine, Centre for the 经济与工商管理学院  Asia Case Research Centre

Asian Entrepreneurship and Business Values, Centre for

China Financial Research, Centre for

Chinese Management Centre

Financial Innovation and Risk Management, Centre for

Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research

Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy 牙医学院Cleft Lip and Palate Centre

Navigational Dentistry, International Centre of 教育学院Advancement in Inclusive and Special Education, Centre for

Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, Centre for

Communication Disorders, Centre for

Comparative Education Research Centre

Educational Leadership, Centre for

Hong Kong Putonghua Education and Assessment Centre

Information Technology in Education, Centre for

Wah Ching Centre of Research on Education in China 工程学院Asian Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Centre for

E-Commerce Infrastructure Development, Centre for

Electrical Energy Systems, Centre for

Environmental Engineering Research, Centre for

Information Security and Cryptography, Centre for

Infrastructure and Construction Industry Development, Centre for

Jockey Club Research and Information Centre for Landslip Prevention and Land Development

Law and Technology Centre

Nonlinear Mechanics, Centre of

Rock Engineering Research Centre 法律学院  Asian Institute of International Financial Law

Chinese Law, Centre for

Comparative and Public Law, Centre for

Law and Technology Centre (jointly organized with the Faculty of Engineering)

Medical Ethics and Law, Centre for 李嘉诚医学院  Alimentary Research and Education, Centre of

Cancer Research, Centre for

Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Institute of

Carol Yu Centre for Infection

Chinese Medicine, School of

Clinical Trials Centre

Endocrinology and Diabetes, Centre of

Genomic Sciences, Centre for

Human Development and Birth Defects, Centre of

Human Reproduction, Centre of

Humanities and Medicine, Centre for the

Medical and Health Sciences Education, Institute of

Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit

Medical Ethics and Law, Centre for

Public Health, School of

Research Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone and Healthy Aging 理学院Applied Geoscience Centre

Mathematical Research, Institute of

Swire Institute of Marine Science

Theoretical and Computational Physics, Centre of 社会科学学院Behavioural Health, Centre on

Civil Society and Governance, Centre for

Criminology, Centre for

International Centre for China Development Studies

Journalism and Media Studies Centre

Kadoorie Institute, The

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention

Sau Po Centre on Ageing

Social Sciences Research Centre 科研成果 自1989年至2013年,香港大学科研团队获得国家自然科学奖、国家技术发明奖、国家科学技术进步奖共20项,其中还诞生了首位获颁国家自然科学奖、国家科学技术进步奖一等奖的香港科学家。

2011年7月,香港大学李嘉诚医学院发现导致肝癌复发和化疗抗药性的癌干细胞。港大这项崭新发现,对于了解肝肿瘤形成和未来癌症治疗带来重大突破,研究发表于干细胞研究范畴最权威的学术期刊《细胞干细胞》(Cell Stem Cell)。





2006年1月,港大外科学系讲座教授范上达教授及其领导的肝移植组以其突破性的“成人右叶活体肝移植”技术,获颁国家科学技术进步奖一等奖,这也是首次有香港学者获颁国家科学技术奖一等奖。 科研数据 2012—2013年度研究成果   学科领域 总研究成果 已审定研究成果 奖项 生物及医学3,1812,702122 工学1,14991249 人文、社会科学及商学2,4551,72477 自然科学55535618总计7,3405,694265  获颁专利(1998—2013)   类别 总数生活必需品100执行操作、运输14化学、冶炼66建筑4机械工程、照明、热能、武器、爆破6物理48电力58泛领域47总数  343科研经费 在2012年至2013年,香港研究资助局(Research Grants Council)向香港大学拨付总计10.88亿港币的研究经费;同期,香港“大学教育资助委员会”向香港大学拨付研究用补助金11.96亿港币,香港政府拨付经费1.23亿港币。除此之外,香港大学还与本地及海外各类组织机构订有研究合约,截至2013年合约金额总计8.3亿港币。

在受捐方面,截至2013年,香港大学获香港慈善团体、香港工商界、本地及海外各类资助累计39.2亿港币。 影响因子 汤森路透发布的《2012年度期刊引用报告》(JCR)中,香港大学以3535篇文章(2012年)位居全港首位。依照刊登在汤森路透所跟进期刊内的24061篇文章计算(2003年1月至2013年6月),香港大学共计获得331086次引用,同为全港首位。 馆藏资源 截至2013年6月30日,香港大学图书馆系统由一个主馆、六个分馆组成,馆藏纸本图书共计297万册;港大图书馆馆藏涵盖音乐、教育、电子、医药多个领域,各具特色;主馆下设的特别收藏馆藏有香港各个时期的期刊、书籍、政府出版物、简报,几乎涵盖了香港历史及民俗的方方面面,是全港最完善的相关资料收集机构;该馆同时还承担着世界贸易组织与欧洲文献中心的托管任务 。 MainLibraries'E-resources  主馆电子资源Number  数目电子期刊(订阅)55,484电子期刊 (种数)42,176数据库691电子书3,502,923数字档案54,005博物馆所 香港大学美术馆:

香港大学美术博物馆座落般咸道大学东闸入口旁的冯平山楼,以及徐展堂楼底下三层;徐展堂楼展厅由徐展堂博士赞助建筑经费,于一九九六年十一月正式开放。香港大学早于一九五三年已开始搜集博物馆藏品。经过多年来热心人士捐赠和大学购藏,博物馆现今收藏了超过一千八百项具有历史价值的艺术品,这些藏品主要分为青铜器、陶瓷和书画三类。釉里蓝点彩三足水注、明嘉靖青花孔雀花卉纹罐、三国青釉奏乐人物飞鸟堆塑谷仓罐都是其中精品 。


本馆位于香港大学本部,辖属本大学地球科学系,自2009年1月16日起对公众开放,为全港首创且唯一的地质博物馆。全馆收藏了包括由已故许士芬博士捐出的稀有矿物收藏品在内的近万件藏品,当中展出950件矿物和300件岩石,并透过展出350具在中国各地发现的化石标本来介绍地球过去超过45亿年的变化;馆内收藏的云南澄江生物群化石、辽宁出产的保存完好的白垩纪热河生物群化石,都是世界上重要的化石考古发现 。



经过初步整理,检定古籍约有七百馀种,较为珍贵的古籍善本约百余种,著名学者题赠的书籍近二千册,其他各学术领域的书刊文献约有三万余册。除古籍善本和珍贵的书籍外,其他藏书均按照饶教授的研究领域和书籍性质分类,分为历史学(包括考古学、上古史、文化史和学术史等等)、宗教与哲学(包括印度学)、潮学、甲骨学、文学、简帛学、语言文字学、目录学、敦煌学、艺术、丛书和期刊等十多种 。 学术期刊 Asian marine biology亚太公共行政学语言理论教学研究特刊亚洲公共行政学Focus : HKUL newsletterBill of Rights bulletinLaw mediaFocus on your libraryHong Kong journal of public administrationHong Kong journal of applied linguisticsJustitia :Hong Kong University Law Association reviewAnnualreport(TheUniversityofHongKongLibraries)ElixirNews  启思鸳鸯



英 [nju'trnl] 美 [nju'trnl]

adj. 营养的;滋养的

Jujube has high nutritional value.


Avoid greasy food and eat something nutritional.



英 [nju'trs] 美 [nu'trs]

adj. 有营养的;滋养的

The most nutritious part of an egg is the egg yolk.


Royal jelly is rich in nutritious substances and is good for one's health.

蜂王浆富含多种营养物质, 是食疗滋补的佳品。